Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Q. I can’t help but notice you are very pro…health food store. I can usually find the same products cheaper at ______Mart. Why are you directing people to stores that are more expensive?
Loraine P.

A. What you say is very true. The purpose and direction of natural food stores has changed dramatically over the last decade. Many of the niche products and brands that have been introduced and championed by the neighborhood health food store can now be found on the shelves of your local “big box” store for cheaper prices.

What the big box store has not yet figured out how to do effectively and cheaply is provide you with information and personalized service. Many of the nutritional supplement products deal with very touchy and intimate medical issues. Your big box aisle clerk just isn't trained to answer or deal with these questions. As a matter of fact most of these store clerks are told to avoid these questions and direct the customer to the in-store pharmacy. Local health food stores have had to morph into relevant sources of reliable and accurate information. Over the years our chain of health food stores received numerous customers who were sent to us by the pharmacist. In many cases even the pharmacist couldn't answer the questions or provide the product.

The purpose and direction of health food stores continues to evolve and change as time and consumer demands dictate change. As long as they truly listen and respond to their customer’s needs and desires, health food stores will stay relevant…and receive my recommendation.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Saturday, July 20, 2013



Q. My Mom has early signs of dementia. Is there anything in the health field that can slow down or even stop the progression? 
Christal M. 

A. Your question was one that we (health food stores) get asked frequently. There is not a lot of long term, solid research in the area of nutritional supplementation and Alzheimer (dementia) prevention. HOWEVER…after nearly 38 years in the supplement business there is a formulation I would almost always turn to when faced with a customer looking to prevent or circumvent dementia and Alzheimer disease.

GH3 (Gerovital H3) was originally formulated by Dr. Ana Aslan, a Romanian physician who is said to be the founding figure of gerontology. GH3 has been a dominant seller in the natural food industry for over 40 years because…it works. To nearly every customer I recommended this formula, they could notice a marked difference within days.

Many of these customers would return to the store with sometimes spectacular results. These could include enhanced memory, better concentration, increased word-retrieval skills and a natural counterbalance to S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

GH3 has become famous for its ability to maintain proper neuro-transmitter levels, which tend to degrade with age. This mental boost produces a mood-lift best described as “mild euphoria” by those who swear by it and have used it for years.

Most health food stores sell GH3 tablets for around $25 / bottle. Inject-able (a shot) and trans-dermal (topical cream) GH3 can be found at specific clinics. Make sure Mom stays physically and mentally fit and start her on an aggressive GH3 program now.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Q. I heard somewhere about a tea that will help you loose weight. I need all of the help I can get. Does this really exist and does it work? 
Allison P.

A. This tea really does exist and it really does work…up to a point. These teas usually contain a blend of herbs that act as diuretics and appetite suppressants. Some of the herbs may even have a laxative effect. As a result of this combo. you could possibly loose a lot of water weight very fast. But remember, water weight is NOT permanent weight loss.

These teas seem to be best used at the beginning of a weight loss program. The reason being; when you see several pounds of water weight disappear from your body in a short period of time, this gives you great incentive to continue in a more rigorous / permanent weight control program.

A couple of popular and effective brands would be the following:

1. Laci Le Beau SUPER DIETER’S TEA…This brand is a 20 yr. veteran in this market and contains the cleansing (laxative) herb senna. It comes in seven, caffeine free flavors.

2. Dr. Stuart’s SLIM PLUS TEA…This brand contains fennel seed which gives a more pungent flavor. Dandelion is also infused for its diuretic effect and high potassium levels.

A word of caution; when steeped too long, these teas can cause abdominal cramping. Start slowly and work your way into a more pungent tea over time. Also…stay close to a bathroom.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Q. I saw an “all natural” body odor deodorizer at the HUNTING STORE. Really…are you kidding me? Why would B_______P______S_______ (hunting supply store) carry a body deodorizer?
Ryan P.

A. Several years ago a guy came in one of our health food stores to buy an ENTIRE CASE of liquid chlorophyll. He was leaving the next day to go on a deer hunting trip. After thanking him for the sale and questioning his sanity he went on to tell me the method behind his madness. He said when they (the hunters) begin taking the liquid chlorophyll the day before the hunt their natural body scent is depleted or masked just enough that when they are down-wind from a targeted deer they cannot be smelled by their target. Sounded like a bit of an un-fair advantage to me but he went on to say liquid chlorophyll also worked wonders when he was diagnosed with a supposedly incurable liver disease.

Chlorophyll is the substance responsible for the green color of plants. It’s their life-blood, as plasma is ours. Vitamin K rich and mineral rich, liquid chlorophyll has been shown to assist in tissue repair, purify the blood, help the liver build red blood cells and of course act as a natural internal deodorizer. Chlorophyll has even been shown to inhibit the growth of infectious bacteria in the body and help heal chemical burns. Some very recent research is showing that liquid chlorophyll may dramatically improve cellular oxygen respiration therefore helping you breath better.

Chlorophyll can be purchased in capsules or bottles. The liquid bottles may range from 2 oz droppers to 16 oz glass containers. Your hunting supply store is actually right on top of the latest hunting trends.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Q. I heard a TV doctor talking about the importance of enzymes. I know why vitamins, minerals, proteins etc. are needed, but why should I be concerned with enzymes?
Madeline T.

A. Enzymes are amazing microscopic molecules, responsible for almost all chemical reactions within our body. They act as the catalyst for all metabolic functions of the nutrients you mentioned…vitamins, minerals and proteins.

While some enzymes help us digest food, others digest the garbage that accumulates within the bloodstream. When blood is unhealthy, it can increase the instances of occasional fatigue, soreness and a general feeling of being run down. Over time, blood naturally becomes riddled with undigested food, decayed and oxidized cells, fibrin and fatty proteins. These components can interfere with normal immune and joint function, making us feel tired and sluggish.

Whether you’re a performance athlete or normally aging adult, healthy blood is essential to vitality and well-being. A balanced enzyme blend will support cardiovascular health while maintaining normal, healthy inflammatory levels.

Should you be concerned with getting enough enzymes? Only if your not eating and supplementing right. True, honest to goodness “natural foods” are naturally balanced with enzymes. Top quality, whole food based, bio-available nutritional supplements should also have the correct enzyme blend. Two enzyme brands that are readily available on store shelves are Enzymedica and Neprinol AFD.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment

Monday, July 1, 2013


Q. I believe that taking vitamins are a total waste of time and money. Because of their vitamin over-use Americans have the most expensive urine in the world. If I’m just going to pee it out, then why bother taking them at all?

A. I couldn't agree more! And in all honesty, most of us don’t need supplemental vitamins and minerals to maintain basic body functions. We’re not talking about…gaining health…as that is simply saying that you are one stage above being sick. I’m talking about achieving OPTIMUM HEALTH through daily supplementation. If your goal in life is just to subsist but not necessarily thrive then…you’re right…who needs vitamins! But because of detrimental lifestyle choices and environmental / ecological realities, it has been scientifically proven that we do need nutrient supplementation to gain this level of “optimum health”.

The key word you used was “over-use”. If we as vitamin consumers could only figure out exactly what our bodies needed then there would be no “over-use” or as you put it peeing out expensive urine. The problem is this; how do we know just WHAT and HOW MUCH of any one nutrient we really need to achieve optimum health?

Many health food stores now offer Nutritional Blood Analysis (NBA) programs. This is where a laboratory analysis crew comes into the store and for a small fee, takes a drop of your blood, puts it under a microscope and tells you exactly what you may or may not need. Of course from the stores point of view, these NBA programs sell supplements. From your perspective, it gives you a real time look at what you may be doing wrong or right nutritionally. This can be valuable information.


*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment