Friday, November 1, 2013


Q.    Since discontinuing hormone therapy 6 years ago I have been experiencing hot flashes and have been looking for an herbal replacement that works.  Upon reading your article about radishes I was wondering, would eating radishes help?  My nephew has ALS.  Would juicing radishes help the phlegm that builds up and causes him to choke?
Pat W.

A.  A few months ago I wrote an article to be published about the largely forgotten…but powerful radish.  The nutritional benefits of the radish seem to have fallen between the cracks…or maybe rolled off of the horsd’oeuvre table.  Either way, the radish is a great finger food or salad ingredient that really packs a nutritional punch.

As mentioned in the article, radishes pungent taste and natural spice can break up excess mucus within our throats and esophagus.  This is especially helpful for those suffering with chronic allergies and sinus infections or in your nephew’s case dealing with the side effects of ALS.  Juicing the radish in a carrot base would be preferable as plain radish juice would most likely be too pungent.

Yes, eating radishes can also help menopausal hot flashes.  In an ironic sort of way, many “heat” producing foods such as cayenne pepper and radishes can actually have a metabolic cooling effect.  Many Far Eastern food beliefs center on a certain foods ability to disperse internal heat.  The radish’s pungent spiciness is a perfect example of a foods internal “heat” causing our own bodies to become cooler.  For other helpful menopausal relief herbs try black cohosh and vitex.  These can be found individually or in combination at your health food store or online retailer.

The above mentioned radish article can be found in its entirety at:

*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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