Thursday, February 28, 2013



Q. Every time I go into a health food store I see "Whole Food Vitamins." I was a chemical biology major in college and one of the first thing we learned is that the chemical structure of a vitamin is the same whether it is derived from nature or chemically synthesized. It just seems like health food stores are taking advantage of peoples naivety. 
Frank K.

A. You are absolutely right...vitamin C is -ascorbic acid- whether you derive it from an orange or from a chemical recipe. However, there is strong evidence showing that vitamin C derived from an orange (natural source) is far more bio-available and absorbable within your blood stream than the same vitamin C derived from coal tar (common, inexpensive, synthetic raw material).

The other area of discrepancy between synthetic vs. natural vitamins is elemental or trace element content. Synthetic nutrients have virtually no "extra" food elements or trace elements. Nutrients derived from whole foods are usually rich in these food elements. Researcher seem to agree that these "minor" food elements help your body make better use of the major nutrient such as your vitamin C.

Any health food store worth its salt should know these vitamin (biology) basics. Whole food derived vitamins are usually more expensive. At least you know that you are getting your monies worth and not just making expensive urine.

*Health Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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